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Showing posts from June, 2022

A Calmer, Happier Place

  It’s a new week, and I am hitting the ground running – ha. I completed Week 1 of the couch to marathon program . It went pretty well. I did every workout – well, one of them I only did half of the intervals because it was 10:30 at night, and I was plodding away on my treadmill after the day got away from me. But, I did most of it, and that is fine with me. The best part is the calmness that comes with regular running. There is no denying the benefits to my mental health that come with regular running. I had a moment recently that was really upsetting and tested the work I have been doing and the healing that has occurred. Because of running I started out in a much better place and handled the whole situation in a much calmer way. I used to be so reactive. My anger has always been immediate and immense. It makes me cringe so hard to think about some of it. But, we are not our pasts. We are this moment only, and the future is all possibility. Anyway, I recently had an experience that