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Showing posts from March, 2022

Going for the Rose Gold

  Over the last decade I have been scattered all over the place. I was trying to compartmentalize my life into categories, but it's not working. I need to bring my pieces back together.  So, this blog is going to be revamped a little. Yes. I am a survivor of CPTSD and a narcissistic parent. I will still blog about my healing journey, but I don't want to be limited to that only. Life is not my past pain. Life is right now. This moment. And, I'd rather write about living. I am healing and really working to live my best life. I've spent my entire existence working to please other people, being who I thought they wanted me to be. I have no idea who I am, and I'm using this time to figure it out.  I like what I am finding.  As part of my healing, I have been meditating every day. I use several different types of meditation, both guided and unguided. One of the guided meditations brought a vision of a potential future me. She was happy and healthy and outside running. Eve