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Showing posts from July, 2022

Water & Sunshine

  Okay… so, I’m ready to be able to run again. I’ve tried a couple times, but while I am in less pain, it is still very uncomfortable. So, I’ve done some walking, but not much else. I’ve also got a messed up shoulder from a tear in my pectoral muscle, so no lifting either. I don’t do well without exercise. This last week was proof of that. I’ve been in a major slump. Honestly, on top of all the physical issues, I am also still really missing my dog. He was my running buddy, and it’s just so boring without him. I’ve been doing better lately, but this last week, another wave of grief came. I’m just feeling lonely without him. One surefire way to feel better during these slumps is to spend time with my kiddos. Their teenagers now, and honestly, I am so happy they still want to spend time with me. They wanted to go to the lake, so to the lake we went. It was a beautiful day, and we had so much fun. My youngest and I swam out to the buoy marking the swim area and treaded water for a while.

Walking In Nature

  My newest run streak ended abruptly. This one was so much more of a bummer than when I ended the 321 day streak. At least then I got to choose to end it. This one didn’t give me a chance. I made it 29 days. So close to a full month. I would be lying if I said I didn’t find this so incredibly annoying. But, there was no other option. I woke up in pain one morning, and it persisted. My breast was swollen, and any movement was painful. Running was out of the question.  I hesitated to share this because I am still in the process. I’ve been to the doctor and had a mammogram and an ultrasound. There doesn’t seem to be anything obvious, but they found some “debris” - what does that mean? I’m waiting to hear back from a breast surgeon about what happens next. Of course in the U.S. it’s a holiday weekend, so I get to wait extra long. The rapidity of how fast things progressed was a bit unnerving, but I haven’t been told anything too scary. They haven’t told me much at all. That is, admittedl