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Showing posts from August, 2022

Worthy of Love

It's been a while since I posted anything. Honestly, the last post was right at the beginning of a bout of depression. If you've experienced it, you know how exhausting it can be. I just didn't have the energy to write. I felt fake. I like to keep a positive attitude, but during these dips, I just can't. I felt like I should be open about this area of my life as well as the more positive stuff. I want to be open and honest here. It’s the only way to heal. I did write something, but then I doubted myself and didn’t post it. I struggle with any kind of perceived weakness. I was raised to believe I had to always be strong, stoic, unshakable. That doesn’t work. It can for quite a while, but eventually the pressure is too much. Denying emotions and not learning from them doesn’t lead anywhere good. And, it’s definitely not healthy. Anyway, I was putting too much pressure on myself and getting overwhelmed. I decided to take a break for the end of the summer. I had a list of t