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The Most Vibrant Shade of Green

Beginning Week 2, and things have already hit a snag. I was sore last week and skipped the last run. My reasoning was that the first run of this week was the same workout. But... then I changed things up a bit... again.... I can never leave a plan alone.

This time I had a somewhat good reason. I went for my first run outside in a while, and I also ran at one of me and Moo's usual running spots. It was not easy. It was a beautiful day and a perfect temperature. Everything is the most vibrant shade of bright green right now. 

Something is definitely missing from this picture.

I cried again during my run (which is mainly what changed my run today). It was less this time, though. Maybe I'll eventually get through one without crying at all. 

The goal for the rest of this week is to get back on track with the training plan. It should be easier to get back out on the trails again now that I've done one. Today was too perfect to pass up.

I'm glad I could go back. I do love running, and I want to continue. It's just been hard with the massive impact of his missing presence. Dogs are too good. 

Well... keep on going. Keep trying. I tend to have a slump in the second week of any program. The first week is all excitement and motivation. Then reality sets in. The enormity of it. The time and commitment needed. It seems daunting. 

But, I am ready for a challenge. This week I just need to get through. Do the other workouts as written and get it done. No thinking. No reasoning. No changes. 

I've had enough change for a while. I could use some routine.


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